Circus Caravana - poster

International music and movement street show without words tells the stories of new neighbours

There is war at home, the circus has broken up, the performers are scattered abroad. What are the fates of the members of the circus family who are looking for a new place to live and their manege in Europe? What kind of inhabitants do they meet in the V4 countries? Will they manage to re-establish their roots?

A music-visual-movement performance by a creative team of four theatres brings a unique socially inclusive theatre about the rapprochement of the V4 inhabitants with the exiles from Ukraine. The problem of refugees and (not) accepting the refugees is hanging in the air. It is inflated by prejudices, contaminates the air, weighs down and creates various interpersonal distances.

The performance in the form of circus and grotesque ventilates the inflated barriers, pumps humanity, resuscitates dreams and hopes of a tolerant future. Or is it just a utopian bubble?

Libretto/screenplay: Petr Novotný & Tomáš Kout (CZ), Jana Mikitková (SK), dramaturgy and production: Ján Fakla (SK), set design: Tomáš Žižka (CZ), costumes: Anna Weszelovszky (HU), music: Róbert Mankovecký (SK), movement collaboration: Ladislav Cmorej (SK), directorial supervision: Jerzy Zoń (PL), directed: Jana Mikitková (SK)

Cast: Slawek Bendykowski, Paulina Lasyk, Mieszko Syc (PL), Bálint Turai, Gergely Kiss, Dorottya Podmaniczky (HU), Daniela Voráčková, Angela Nwagbo (CZ), Anton Eliáš, Dušan Krnáč (SK).
Acting, assistance and technical support: Henrich Žucha, Milan Slama (SK)
Translations: Marek Boháč (SK)
Production support: Marta Gebhardt (PL), Andráš Mezö & Veronika Gallyas (HU), Liudmyla Batalová (UA)
PR & media: Eva Sládková (SK)
PR & social networks: Ema Rajčanová (SK)

After the performance there will be a screening of the short documentary film CHIEF OF CIRCUS by director Sashko Brama (UA) about the true fate of circus artists and the principal Illya Borsuk from Doneck.