Description of the play
The historical-theatre excursion in the exteriors and underground spaces in Kremnica is formed by facts, legends and curiosities connected to the rich history of the city. The actors re-animate the events and stories of local groups and craftsmen/craftswomen captivatingly, with both a serious and funny attitude. They bring the local customs and traditions closer to the city visitors via a non-traditional scenic depiction. The leitmotif is a search for the contemporary treasure of Kremnica, which may not be golden… The viewers, as well as the actors wander the streets and squares of the beautiful Kremnica to the beat of the drums. They stop at places that are connected to history, where the actors play out a short story, legend, or curiosity from the rich history of the city in an uncommon manner. As a final bonus of this walking pilgrimage, the participants will receive a 12-page edition of the historical newspaper UPROAR – a guide through the historical curiosities of a sleepytown, in a period design, printed on special paper, containing a more descriptive and factual guide to the performed scenes and the outcome of the street play.
The search for the lost treasure of Kremnica (in three parts) takes place on the trail:
Northern gate of the City castle (beginning) – Zámocké square – J. Kollár street – Alley of Famous Noses – cellar of the J. L. Bella house – Štefánik square – stairs to the Museum of coins and medals – Plague pillar – underground club Labyrint (end + newspaper UPROAR)
The wandering acting ensemble DERAVÝ GROŠ
Mário Bóna as the reporter Peter Krehkáč
Michal Ďuriš as the mayor Johaness and principal Bonifác I.
Veronika Fekiačová as Kolomvína, beggar, minter, healer, the golden seam Žofia, executioner, promoter
Martin Kollár as the shooting master, alchemist, promoter, Baltazár
Klára Štroffeková as the townslady, bartender, singer, principal Júlia
Dušan Krnáč, alternates with Roman Vykysalý as Permoník and grandpa Nevedo
Based on: Mária Faklová
Script: Jana Mikitková, Daniel Haas Kianička, Roman Vykysalý, Anton Brčka, Ján Fakla and the ensemble of actors
Dramaturgy and production: Ján Fakla
Setting: Jana Mikitková and Dušan Krnáč
Realisation of the setting: Martin and Majo Varhaňovskí
Costumes and graphic design: Marek Gašpar Šafárik
Costumes: Miroslava Zelníková
Music and lyrics: Klára Štroffeková and collective
Technical assistance: Vladimír Chovanec
Director: Jana Mikitková and collective
15. september 2012, center of town Kremnica

Every one of us has found him – or herself at a new place. And from first sight, it has made a first impression. But only when we had a better look, a second impression was created. The same can be applied to people. Oftentimes, our first impression is replaced by a completely different one. The same story happened with us and Kremnica while creating the play Kremnica not only golden. We observed the city and the people. We found the city beautiful and calm. Eventually, we missed something alongside its calmness and emptiness, which is why we founded the Kremnica UPROAR and started searching for the contemporary Kremnica treasure. And imagine that – we found it! “It” meaning the inhabitants of Kremnica! They resemble their city, which hides mines underneath its surface. On the outside, you are walking the stone streets of the city, but the real wealth is below. So are the people – they are distant at first and do not want to be disturbed in their comfort zones and routines, but are the same as other people when looked at in a different way. They keep their treasures below the surface. But even if we had to play miners, put on the gear, light everything up real good and mine it out of them, it would be worth the discovery! Even real treasures are invisible at first. Anyone of us can become an explorer. There, in one’s own town. May a different view of the ordinary be your guide. Because not only in Kremnica, you will not notice an ordinary person who is more precious than gold at first sight. And why should we go far? How shall we look at our city and its inhabitants next time? Ordinarily? Jana Mikitková wishes you many right views of the regularities around.